
Governance & Compliance

Gestire al meglio le piattaforme per assicurarne la adozione più piena e continua

SoftJam’s major corporate clients quickly learn that the only way to accomplish innovation is to adopt rules that are often even more restrictive than the ‘official’ laws themselves.

Our motto is “control makes you free.”

Because platforms like Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint Online are so important, SoftJam has devised a process that includes an analysis step that determines the present status of compliance and governance standards for Cloud products.

Based on this analysis, SoftJam will develop a customised correction strategy in order to bring your cloud products in line with compliance and governance standards. Furthermore, our specialists will conduct a course geared at IT professionals on proper platform administration and monitoring tactics.

Organisations use the new Governance & Compliance Plan to:

  • Accurately specify management procedures and responsibilities.
  • Attain the greatest level of compliance with business and regulatory norms.
  • Remove managerial inefficiencies and discretionary powers.
  • Reduce the possibility of data loss and external cyber attacks.
  • Avoid financial fines due to settings that are insufficiently secure or not in accordance with state regulations.

Talk to us at SoftJam to discover how to experience the freedom of Governance and Compliance.